Simply Art

Photo of mural on wall of the Village Cafe in Bryan, Texas by J. Vincent Scarpace

Taken at the Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina

Beauty can be found even between two decaying walls

This was taken outside of the Asheville Civic Center. Bronze statues are referred to as "Appalachian Stage".

"Love is a gift of one's inner most soul to another so both can be whole" - Buddha

This is painted on a building in downtown Asheville, North Carolina

I was driving in Marshall, NC when I came upon this graffiti painted under a bridge. Couldn't resist taking a snap shot!

Bricks that pave the side walks in parts of Asheville, NC

I was drawn to take this photo because her expression is symbolic of my feelings of awe and sacredness when I am surrounded by Nature!

Just had to take a photo of this magnificent statue! This mammoth piece of art is located at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina.

Photographs inspired by art.