Zebra Swallowtail

Honeybee Lavender Flight

"Once this sunflower fully opened its eye, the beauty of what the closed eye contained is in full sight for all to see. Even this delicate honeybee is drawn to its wide open offerings of nourishment and sacred geometrical patterns of the sunflowers inner eye." Sophia's Perspective

"Metaphorically Nature has many sets of eyes through which she perceives the world around her. This sunflower's eye is closed to the beauty that unfolds around it. Petals tightly closed yet starting to unfold to its fullest beauty." Sophia's Perspective

"Fully opened this is what the sunflower sees as it stands tall amongst the many of its kind in this field. All are turned towards the direction of the sun from which they gain their strength unable to see the true beauty of their opened flowering eyes. It catches glimpses of cars rushing by on the interstate but have no vision for what they are yet it accepts their existence in their limited vision." Sophia's Perspective

"The relationship between the bee and the flower is one of deep love. Each partner offers something of great value and never holds on too tightly knowing that they will reunite again and again." Sophia Phillips-Noll

I snapped this beauty at a butterfly house in South Carolina

Taken at Brookgreen Gardens Butterfly House

I was able to hold this beauty after it emerged! What a treat!

Harris Hawk

Taken on a hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway when the clouds touched the earth.

Blessed be the honeybees !!!

Photographs Inspired By the Element of Air.