"I captured this photo at the Arboretum here in Asheville where life was buzzing all around me. The clouds in the background framed this honeybee so nicely and reminded me of the saying...As above, so below. From the Macro to the Microcosm.
The delicate balance of Nature can be seen everywhere. From the tiniest honeybee to the giant Redwood tree.
This weekend I encourage you to go outside and engage with Nature. Feel her heartbeat! Take a drive to the mountains, to the ocean, to the river, to a lake, a garden center, or to your own backyard.
The time has come for us to re-connect to this place we call home. Mother Earth is crying out in pain. She has taken so much abuse from us humans.
Reconnect...feel her love and send her gratitude. Please get involved with people who are taking action to protect her"
Love, Sophia
(© 2016 Sophia's Perspective/All Rights Reserved-No Pictures or writings may be reproduced without written permission.)